Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spontaneous Boredom

So, I'm sitting here in my apartment alone.  Recently my life has gone through some changes that have freed up my schedule quite a bit.  So what to do?  It's my last days before my schooling starts up again (I can't say that I'm dreading it, but I do feel like my summer was a complete waste) I had amazing plans for the summer, but it just so happened that every last one of them fell through. How the heck does that happen?! Thanks to a couple good friends I've been able to salvage a few good weeks of fun out of this desolate wasteland of boredom. The only way that I've found I can survive is to live spontaneously.  Go hiking? Sure! Pedicure? Why not?  Drive 3 hours to the Salt Flats and take pictures? Nobody's stopping me! Right now the best way to make decisions is to go with my gut.  No mulling over the possibilities or options. Just go have fun and live it up.  I want to go out and make the most of the last bit of summer. The problem is, that I'm not adventurous enough to do it, at least not on my own.  So what is a single, lonely girl like me to do?  I secretly am hoping some prince charming will come and sweep me off my feet and save me from this torture of having nothing to do. Any takers? I promise I'm not as desperate as I sound, I'm just bored enough to actually blog about how bored I am.

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